Your Solar News

Are Solar Panels a Fire Risk?

In the news this week, a £70million Lidl warehouse went up in flames. Caused by their hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of solar


Free Eco Improvements for Manufacturing

In today’s world, the pressure for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices is ever-increasing. With climate change concerns mounting, manufacturing businesses are under scrutiny for


Using Solar for Marketing in Business

With an ever-changing business landscape, standing out from the crowd and offering your customers something different can be a major challenge for decision makers,


Solar Panels l Dispelling the Myths

/solar-panel-maintenance/When you think about solar panels what are the first images that spring to your mind? A huge financial outlay? Ugly and cumbersome panels


Do I Need a Solar Battery?

Solar energy is increasing in popularity, with more than 1.3 million UK households now taking advantage of falling solar panel costs to help cut
